Gun Owner Survey: Where Do You Stand On These 2A Issues?

1. Should Congress pass a national “Assault Weapons” ban, which would outlaw the AR15 and most commonly owned semi-automatic firearms in order to reduce crime?
2. Do you support federal funding for ‘Red Flag’ laws to be passed in each state, which would allow judges to order firearms confiscated from anyone they decide is a threat to others?
3. Do you agree that the Second Amendment guarantees your individual right to own a firearm?
4. Should Congress pass a law that restores the right of law-abiding citizens to carry a firearm across state lines?
5. Do you think that armed school resource officers should be stationed in schools to protect our children from violent criminals?
6. Do you support allowing teachers who have been trained in gun safety to carry concealed firearms to protect school children from violent attackers?
7. Should Congress pass a national firearms registration law that would force gun owners to enter each firearm they own into a national gun database or else forfeit their guns and their freedom?
8. Should Congress pass a national “safe storage” law that would require you to lock your firearms in government-approved storage containers, making them useless when seconds count?
9. Should the government limit the number of guns you are allowed to purchase each year?
10. Do you oppose any United Nations treaty that strips the U.S. of its sovereignty and gives U.N. bureaucrats the power to regulate the small arms owned by millions of Americans?
11. Would you vote against a politician who calls for the repeal of the Second Amendment, even if it is a Republican?
12. Do you support mandatory background checks to purchase ammunition or firearm accessories?
13. Will you support the American Firearms Association’s work to fight for gun rights in Washington DC and in state legislatures across America, WITHOUT compromising, without backing down and without negotiating away our freedoms?
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@ 2024 American Firearms Association.
6031 E Main St., STE 311, Columbus, OH 43213.