In just 4 days the tyrants at the ATF are going to close off the public comments from their website on Proposed Rule 2021R-05, to classify pistol braces under the NFA and turn millions of gun owners into criminals!
We cannot overstate how devastating rule 2021-R05 would be to gun owners like you and me. It’s that bad.
By “clarifying” what they consider a firearm, the ATF is giving itself permission to arrest gun-owning patriots based on TOTAL BS and fake authority.
But that’s the goal of this proposal: to legally entrap gun owners, lock them up for doing nothing other than owning firearms or accessories and throw away the key.
That’s why I’m asking you to IMMEDIATELY click on the link below and leave a message on the ATF’s website (if you haven’t already done so) telling them why you think this proposed rule is total CRAP.
It’s so important that they hear directly from you right away!
But if you’ve already left a message on their site, please go the extra step right now and click on the link below to SIGN the official petition demanding the ATF STAND DOWN on their attack against gun owners!
Trash proposals like this are why the American Firearms Association has been fighting like hell since day one, and we need your help now more than ever.
The truth it, we are looking at a very real possibility that this proposed rule could become law as soon as next week.
Which is why we’re emailing you today, Kathryn. We need your help to shut the corrupt ATF down.
>>> DONATE $250 TODAY! <<<
>>> DONATE $100 TODAY! <<<
>>> DONATE $75 TODAY! <<<
>>> DONATE $50 TODAY! <<<
>>> DONATE $25 TODAY! <<<
The American Firearms Association is ratcheting up a massive program, mobilizing gun owners to pour phone calls, emails and PRESSURE into D.C. demanding an end to this attack.
This is a huge program and the costs are adding up fast, so please consider contributing whatever you can afford!
Thousands of gun owners have already given between $5 and $50. Others have given anywhere from $100 to $1,000 to help us with this fight.
For America,
Christopher Dorr
American Firearms Association
P.S. The ATF’s proposed rule to classify pistol braces under the NFA could become the law of the land in 4 days.
Please read the urgent email above and take action to end this!
When you’re done, please make a contribution of any amount to help us do battle on your behalf!