ALERT: Biden Announces 7-Part Gun Control Plan!

Joe Biden was in New York City earlier today RAILING on your Second Amendment rights and it’s not good.

Standing with anti-gun Attorney General Merrick Garland and Socialist New York City Mayor Eric Adams, Biden announced BILLIONS of dollars in new spending aimed directly at registration and confiscation!

Sure, he spewed his normal BS about “gun violence” and “gun safety,” but this isn’t our first rodeo with the gun control crowd – all this money he’s passing out is being used to crack down on gun owners.

Thankfully for you, the staff here at AFA watched every excruciating minute of the press conference, taking a few pages of notes on each gun control item Biden announced!

Earlier today, Aaron, Ben, Patrick and Alex broke it all down on the latest edition of the American Firearms Association Show.

Click below to watch the show and learn exactly what is in Biden’s latest tyrannical orders:

This week has obviously been a new offensive push from the anti-gun crowd in the White House.

ATF gun ban announcements and billions of new gun control spending from Biden.

The fight is only getting hotter!

If you’re not yet a member of the American Firearms Association, or you’ve yet to renew your membership for 2022, there’s no better time than now. We need you.

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For America,

Christopher Dorr
American Firearms Association