Assault Weapons Ban Introduced in DC

California Communist Senator Dianne Feinstein has introduced her so-called “Assault Weapons” ban with the full backing of Joe Biden and 41 Senate cosponsors.

Moments after Feinstein introduced S. 25, Biden went public with his support:

“Today, Senator Feinstein, with whom I worked with to pass the last Assault Weapons Ban in 1994, has once again introduced an Assault Weapons and High-Capacity Magazine Ban in the Senate . . . act quickly and deliver this Assault Weapons Ban to my desk.”

Feinstein‘s bill would:

>>> Make it a felony to buy an AR-15 or any one of over 200 similar rifles, shotguns, and handguns.

>>> Make it a felony to buy any magazine that holds over 10 rounds of ammunition. 

Our forefathers fought to ensure that the Second Amendment would pass on to us — ensuring our right to keep and bear arms — and now it’s up to our generation to do the same thing.  

Biden, Feinstein and their cohorts are truly demented, capable of any form of evil.

And with nearly a dozen Republicans remaining in the Senate who voted for gun control last summer, it’s vital gun owners speak loudly, clearly and in a sustained manner to the U.S. Senate.

DO NOT pass this bill!

That’s why we’ve set a goal of gathering more than 500,000 petitions nationwide OPPOSED to S. 25, the Biden / Feinstein Assault Weapons Ban.

By flooding the U.S. Senate petitions and calls, we can push back with one voice and defeat S. 25.

It worked last year when we DEFEATED it in the Senate.

Sign your petition below and help us win this fight!

Become a member or renew for 2023 with AFA today!

For America,

Christopher Dorr, 
American Firearms Association