The ATF’s “pistol brace” ban that could turn up to 40 million American gun owners into FELONS became official TODAY!
The ATF has offered a 120-day “amnesty” period that ends on May 31.
During this time the ATF has presented pistol brace owners with five options: register a firearm with the ATF as an SBR, destroy a braced firearm completely, turn it in to a local ATF office, remove the brace and alter so it cannot be reattached, or replace a pistol barrel with one 16-inches or longer.
You know what we say … DO NOT COMPLY!
AFA is mobilizing hundreds of thousands of gun owners nationwide in a coalition to SUE THE ATF.
The details of this legal action and whether we’ll be filing a standalone federal lawsuit, joining with another organization in a joint lawsuit, or using Amicus briefs are still being worked out.
But what we know now is that it’s going to take ALL of us standing shoulder-to-shoulder together to WIN this battle in court.
For America,
Chris Dorr, President
American Firearms Association