David Chipman Getting Roasted! šŸ”„

The confirmation of David Chipman is turning into a cancer for Joe Biden and Senate Democrats.

Senate Majority Whip Dick Durbin (D-IL) was recently quoted saying the whip count on David Chipmanā€¦

Ā ā€œis not where we want it yet, but thereā€™s always a chance.ā€

Durbin then blurted out that ā€œthere are a lot of issuesā€ with Chipmanā€™s nomination to head up the dog-killing ATF.


Youā€™re damn right there are a lot of issues!

Kathryn, it seems that Bidenā€™s nominee is hemorrhaging support in the Senate and his confirmation may yet go down in flames.

Itā€™s no more than he deserves!

The fact is, our country is being run by political hacks and power-hungry bureaucrats like Chipman who desperately want to see us unarmed and in chains.

But if David Chipman loses this nomination, thatā€™ll be a huge blow on behalf of freedom and a massive embarrassment for the Biden administration.

Help AFA finish this clown and end his career!


When youā€™re done, please make an immediate donation to our fund to STOP David Chipman.

The American Firearms Association and our huge list of state affiliate gun rights organizations have sent hundreds of THOUSANDS of emails into Congress opposing the confirmation of this tyrant Chipman.

The voices of our members and supporters are thundering in D.C, but we need to reach more gun owners and to to shut this agenda down hard!

>>> DONATE NOW <<<

Chip in $100, $50, $25 or your most generous contribution to kick Chipman to the curb.

I want to personally thank you for all youā€™ve done so far. The truth is, generations to come will thank you and other patriots for standing in the gap when you were most needed.

Help us end Chipmanā€™s power grab once and for all!

Contribute now! Ā 

For America,

Christopher Dorr
American Firearms Association