The emergency announcement below is being broadcast by the American Firearms Association and our massive list of state affiliates gun rights organizations across America. Please read this important message and take action IMMEDIATELY!


We have an all-out emergency on our hands and we need your help NOW.

House Democrats, led by Nancy Pelosi, just announced hearings on H.R. 2377 — a vicious ‘RED FLAG GUN CONFISCATION’ bill — for Wednesday morning at 10am EST in the full House Judiciary Committee!

This is nothing less than a full scale take-down attempt by Communists in D.C., using the most “bipartisan” gun control bill that’s ever been introduced, to annihilate our due process rights and ultimately destroy our Second Amendment.

That’s why I need you to please take a moment and sign our official STOP RED FLAGS petition right away, telling your Congress member to STOP, BLOCK and KILL this tyrannical legislation!

This bill is being hammered through the Judiciary Committee by raging Communist Jerry Nadler, who spent all of 2019 and 2020 impeaching President Donald Trump and trying to obliterate our freedoms.

He wants this bill to become law and he wants it bad.

And if Nadler is successful, millions of gun owners all over the country are going to be disarmed.

Virtually anyone can make the claim that you’re “a danger to yourself or others” and file a ‘Red Flag’ complaint against you.

Your ex-spouse, a nephew you haven’t seen in 25 years, a ‘woke’ prosecutor, or cop who simply hates gun owners — any one of them can try to ruin your life with these seizure orders.

And we all know that it’s pointless to count on a judge to deny these seizure orders ‘just because’ you haven’t been convicted of a crime. With only a few exceptions, the judiciary in this country is fast becoming an overt enemy of the people, and they will gladly rubber stamp the order to confiscate your guns.

And with the built-in renewal process that these orders usually contain, gun owners who get hit with these seizure orders will often receive what amounts to a lifetime ban on owning firearms!

Don’t forget, if H.R. 2377 passes, all of this can happen to you before you’ve been charged (let alone convicted of) a crime.

We must stop this legislation right now, before Joe Biden and Jerry Nadler can get enough support to pass it into law – which is what Wednesday’s Judiciary Committee hearing is all about!

So SIGN YOUR OFFICIAL PETITION NOW demanding your Congress member STOP H.R. 2377 and actually FIGHT for our Second Amendment rights!

American Firearms Association staff will be LIVE and on the ground at the U.S. Capitol on Wednesday, giving video updates from the hearing, as well as hammering politicians on your behalf, making sure they know what you expect from them.

We need your help on this.

So when you’re done signing your petition, please help us fund this critical, 3-day mission in D.C. by making a contribution of whatever you can afford, now!

Some have given as much as $500 and $1,000 to this cause already. If that’s something that fits in your budget, we’d welcome the help.

But for others, a contribution of $100, $50 or $25 requires tightening the belt and we understand.

All I ask is that you do what you can to stop Waddling Jerry Nadler from gutting our Constitution the way they tried to gut Trump’s presidency.

We’ll have more LIVE VIDEO updates coming from D.C. so please sign your petition, make a contribution and stand by for more updates!

For America,

Christopher Dorr
American Firearms Association

P.S. Nancy Pelosi, Jerry Nadler and House Democrats just announced a full-scale hearing on Red Flag Gun Confiscation orders in the House Judiciary Committee for THIS WEDNESDAY!

We’re FIGHTING BACK but we need your help.

Click on this link or the image below to tell your Congress member to OPPOSE H.R. 2377 at all costs and stop Red Flag laws in America.

AFA staff are going to be on the ground in D.C. giving LIVE VIDEO UPDATES from the Capitol and fighting on your behalf.

So when you’re done signing your petition, please make a contribution of anything from $5 to $500 right away to help fund this fight and then stay tuned for our video updates!