H.R. 1808 Update: Pelosi Scrambling for Votes

Nancy Pelosi made a last minute move overnight to rig the rules so that she can bring H.R. 1808, her so-called “Assault Weapons Ban,” to the floor of the House today if she can get the votes she needs.

Normally a “controversial” bill like this would need to sit for a day and have a certain amount of debate and amendments.  That’s not the case now because of the move Pelosi made last night.

We’re already seeing a “possible” vote on the House legislative calendar:

But as of this moment, Pelosi continues facing disagreements within her own caucus between hard core Communists and so-called “moderates” on H.R. 1808 and a “police funding” bill . . . there is intense infighting, back stabbing, and deal cutting happening right now.

That’s why we’re asking all of our supporters this morning to do three things.

1. Call your Congressman at 202-224-3121 and insist they vote NO on ALL forms of gun control

2. Continue pounding Congress with petitions OPPOSING H.R. 1808

3. Chip in whatever you can afford to help AFA keep our social media, email, text, and direct mail programs running on all cylinders, mobilizing gun owners across America to OPPOSE this dangerous legislation.

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For America,

Christopher Dorr, 
American Firearms Association