Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving from the American Firearms Association!

As gun owners all across America know, we have a lot to be thankful for as we get closer to wrapping up 2022 and prepare for the fight ahead of us in 2023.

I could not be more thankful for the team we’ve assembled here at the American Firearms Association who have the privilege and pleasure of FIGHTING on your behalf and on behalf of our kids and grandkids!

But mostly, I’m just thankful for you, the grassroots base that is the American Firearms Association.

This beautiful organization isn’t some paper tiger gun lobby that pretends to fight for its members, only to stab them in the back when they’re needed most.

Neither is it an organization that licks the boots of the politicians in D.C. or state legislatures and betrays gun owners like many other gun groups have done in the past.

This organization was founded by patriots, it’s run by patriots, and it’s funded by American patriots just like you.

Every time we’ve asked you to call or email your Congressman or state legislator to support or oppose legislation, you rose to the call.

And when we set about to run our largest and most expensive program ever to expose gun control and gun grabbers, you funded that program 100%, giving us the ammo we needed to fight back in 2022!

This consistent support has allowed the American Firearms Association to become the NASTIEST gun rights organizations in America today!

I have to tell you, the members of AFA make one hell of team.

Now, as the kickoff for 2023 approaches, it’ll be time to ramp up our FIGHT against RINO’s on the Right as well as Joe Biden, Chuck Schumer and the anti-gun BILLIONAIRES who will be working tirelessly to cram their agenda down gun owners’ throats.

It’s time to FIGHT and fight hard – for our kids and for our grandkids, so that the rights and freedoms that we hold most dear will never be stripped from the greatest nation the world has ever seen.

So please enjoy time with your family and friends today, but please also re-commit yourself to the fight for the Second Amendment by renewing your membership for 2023!

For America,

Patrick Parsons
Executive Vice President
American Firearms Association