Jay Inslee Declares War on Second Amendment

Democrat Governor Jay Inslee and the Democrats in Olympia have declared war on gun owners — now they’re scheming to BAN so-called “assault weapons” and even more when the legislature returns on January 9.

Inslee’s so-called “Assault Weapons Ban” would ban the sale, distribution and manufacture of firearms owned by hundreds of thousands of Washingtonians.

Gun-grabbing Democrats and Inslee also want “civil liability” for gun manufacturers so they can be sued and put out of business, a 10-day waiting period, and government-mandated training.

AFA is activating our tens of thousands of supporters across the state to rise up and defeat this impending legislation.

Calls, emails, petitions.  Ads.  Let’s put the heat on!

Please TAKE ACTION now to DEFEAT Inslee’s Gun Control MegaBill in Olympia by signing your petition TODAY!

After you’ve taken action, please join up with AFA TODAY at JOINAFA.org

For America,

Chris Dorr, President
American Firearms Association