TAKE ACTION: Gun Control Hearing TODAY!

Washington, DC — After a long August recess, Congress is back in session in Washington, DC, and they’re ready to ram gun control down our throats.

Later today at 2:00 PM EST, anti-gun Democrat Jerry Nadler of New York will hold hearings on at least three gun control bills in the House Judiciary Committee.

As Chairman of the committee, Nadler can bring up whatever bills he wants, and with Nancy Pelosi’s blessing the following bills will be heard today.

H.R. 1236 — “Red Flag” Gun Seizure legislation

H.R. 1186 — Nationwide Mag Ban

H.R. 2708 — Lifetime firearm possession ban for misdemeanor crimes

Please take just a few moments right now to call your Congressman and INSIST they oppose all three pieces of legislation, and any gun control that may come up for a vote in the House.

Call Your Congressman >>> 202-225-3121

The anti-gun hearings in the House Judiciary Committee are just a precursor to what we will see in both the House and Senate chambers in the coming weeks.

While Pelosi and Nadler likely have the votes to pass much of what they want in the House, the major showdown fights are likely to develop over in the Senate, where it takes 60 votes to break a filibuster and pass gun control legislation.

Even though Republicans hold 53 seats and the Senate Majority Leader is Republican Mitch McConnell, there are at least a couple of dozen weak-kneed Republicans who will vote for gun control if Second Amendment supporters don’t push back in a major way.

So after you’ve made your call over to your Congressman, please call your Senators at once, and insist they OPPOSE dangerous “Red Flag” Gun Seizures and any other form of gun control they could be asked to vote on.

Call Your Senators >>> 202-224-3121

Likely the most important voice in this gun control debate is President Trump himself.

While Capitol sources indicate the President may not have the votes for some of his initial gun control suggestions in the days after Odessa and Dayton, we simply cannot let up.

We can’t let the ball get rolling on “Red Flags.”

We can’t let the slippery slope get started now, because we know if they “do something” in the next few weeks, they’ll take more the next time.

So please keep the heat on the President by signing your “Stop Red Flags” petition below.

Sign your petition to President Trump NOW, telling him to STOP ‘Red Flag Gun Seizures’ before it’s too late!

As we will see in the House today, we expect multiple pushes for gun control on a number of fronts.

As of this moment, this fight is a moving target, so gun owners must keep up sustained pressure to stop it.

Patrick, we also desperately need your financial support to boost our social media, email, radio ads and direct mail programs to full speed.

The ONLY way we are going to stop this attack is by flooding the White House and Congressional inboxes and phone lines with grassroots opposition.  And to do that, we simply must have your support.

If you can afford a major contribution of $250 or $500, please know that we need it now.

But if that’s too much, please consider $100, $50 or at least $25 or $10 right away!

Whatever you can afford will be very appreciated and put right to the fight in D.C.!  Please take action NOW!

— The American Firearms Association

P.S. With Congress back in session in DC, buckle up for a wild gun control push from the anti-gunners in the House and Senate over the next few weeks.

It’s vital we keep up sustained grassroots heat and stop anti-gun bills wherever they pop up.

Please sign your petition to President Trump right away opposing ‘Red Flag Gun Seizures’ by clicking this link or on the image below!

When you’re done, please consider an EMERGENCY contribution of $500, $250, $100, $50 or $25 to help us mobilize gun owners in opposition to this disastrous legislation!

Not a member? Join HERE.