Three Cosponsor Abolish the ATF Act!

Last week, Florida Republican Congressman Matt Gaetz introduced H.R. 374, the ABOLISH THE ATF ACT!

AFA’s federal legislative team in DC is pleased to report the following legislators signed their names on as original cosponsors.

Lead sponsor Matt Gaetz (FL) and original cosponsor Lauren Boebert (CO)

Original cosponsor Eric Burlison (MO)

Original cosponsor Paul Gosar (AZ)

We’re asking all of our supporters to do four things in support of H.R. 374:

1. Sign your Official Petition to ABOLISH THE ATF

2. Call your Congressman at 202-224-3121 and tell them to support Congressman Matt Gaetz’s H.R. 374

3. Forward this email to all of your Second Amendment-supporting friends across America and ask them to support H.R. 374

4. Retweet our Tweet about the introduction of H.R. 374!

Check your email and our social media accounts early this week . . . we have another MAJOR announcement to make.

For America,

Chris Dorr, President
American Firearms Association